Lillie J Walton Foundation Scholarship
Making A Difference In The Community

Submission Deadline
The scholarship application window is open. The scholarship window will close May 1, 2024
The Lillie J. Walton Foundation will make available an undergraduate scholarship to three eligible graduating Seniors from Hamilton, Manassas, and Booker T. Washington High Schools. The recipients will receive an academic scholarship as a full-time student at an accredited institution. Other financial, community, and educational resources will be offered annually.

Graduating Senior from above listed High Schools for the present school year.
2.0 H.S. Grade Point Average
ACT/SAT Scores (if already taken or give future dates when planning to take either test)
Meet all eligibility requirements
Proof of Enrollment (Submit official registration and class schedule) at an accredited college or university due by August 15, 2024. Funds payable to the student.
How to Apply
Complete all sections of the online application.
Submit high school transcript with application to validate GPA requirement.
Submit your 500-word autobiographical essay (Must include, but not limited to: (a) your special interests, (b) the most influential person in his/her life, (c) his/her work experience (if any), and (d) personal goals and ambitions in life.
Due Date: May 1, 2024
Provide proof of enrollment by August 15, 2024.
For assistance, contact the scholarship committee members here.